Multi-yield Farming and Staking

Lightening Cash suggests an innovative farming system focused on sustainable long-term growth, but it also attains high APY through three yields:
  • Low inflation from LIC Farming reserve (3 LIC per block, 3s/block, over 6 months): Low inflation provides long-term sustainability for the Token price, thus giving incentives to token holders to provide liquidity and stake to support the system.
  • Transaction fee rewards: Every transaction has 1% transaction fee (Sellers) or less. This transaction fee will be used for rewarding all farmers and stakers, thus increasing APY to attract investors.
  • Buy-back: The fees collected in the treasury are used to buy-back LIC tokens from AMM, thus increasing token price to incentivize holding token. Furthermore, the token obtained by the buy-back is used for rewarding farmers and stakers, thus pushing APY to further support them.